Guideline Downloads
Graphic Guidelines – Process Printing
Artwork to be created only on BagcraftPapercon supplied template.
Illustrator CS4 or earlier and Photoshop CS4 or earlier**
**Quark and InDesign files are acceptable
Prefer layers
- Delete unused colors
- Colors indicated properly or detailed on the file/die
- Indicate if the “transparency” feature is used
Images linked
- Not embedded
- If linking Lo-Res, indicate as FPO on the image
All provided files to have suitcase (printer & screen) fonts. Do not outline fonts.
- Prefer Photoshop file — layered — Hi-Res (300 DPI and up)
- May place a Lo-Res image as FPO
- Supply a “Target” proof for color match or a printed sample
- Provided “Target” should be within 25% (larger or smaller) than the actual production size
Barcodes (UPCs) need to be sent as an FPO (for placement only) with correct numbers as we will create the UPCs with proper reductions when films are produced. Minimum UPC size to be 90% and up.
Actual size print out of the approved file to be provided with the final file; or it may be reduced with the amount of reduction indicated.
Upon submitting art files, please include company name, point of contact, phone number and email address for any questions that BagcraftPapercon may have regarding the art files.